Vista Tower
363 E. Wacker Dr,
Chicago IL 60601
Have you been searching for a fantastic new condo in downtown Chicago? If so, you can hardly do better than the amazing and historic Vista Tower. This is a fabulous building that features the design skills of world-famous architect Jeanne Gang, the visionary of Studio Gang Architects.
Needless to say, this condo is packed with all of the latest modern conveniences and amenities that you could ever hope for.
About Vista Tower
The Vista Tower is located directly in the heart of Chicago's historic downtown area. When it comes to scenic views, this location simply can't be beaten. Condo residences don't even begin until the 73rd floor, thus ensuring that you will have a view of the city and its surrounding area that few other vantage points in the city can offer.
Vista Tower is part hotel and part condo. This means that you are more than welcome to tour the building as a guest of the hotel while also checking out the best condo selection that the city of Chicago has to offer. The Tower is located directly in the downtown area of Chicago, near to all of the famous landmarks as well as a multitude of shopping centers, malls, and nightlife centers.
You have your choice of what style and size condo you would like to buy. Our very smallest units are 1,050 square foot one-bedroom condo.
The largest units are great three-bedroom condos. You can choose from several sizes in between or go for the gusto with the very largest unit. No matter what size you choose, you can rest assured that you will be upgrading the quality of your life in a very substantial fashion.
While we can assure you that these new condos located in the Vista Tower are truly state of the art in terms of design and luxury, one thing we can't promise is that they will last on the market forever. If you want to score one of these new luxury condos, act now.
All of the condos available in the Vista Tower have been specially designed to give you the absolute most value for your money. If you have any further questions or comments concerning these new properties, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be more than happy to let you know what we can do to make your dream of owning a luxury condo in downtown Chicago come true.
Vista Tower Listings
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